Success Story

Cellutalk Makes Essential Cell Phones Affordable for Daily Life

Discover how Cellutalk, a group of multi-carrier cell phone stores, saves its customers hundreds of dollars with flexible in-house payment plans, while building long-lasting customer relationships.

United States
Cell Phone Retailer

Key Results

160 New Customers now have affordable rent-to-own Payment Plans
Payment Plan Revenue Total: $212,864

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"For all of my stores, I now have control over creating affordable payment plans for my customers. And when special circumstances come up in their lives, I can help them adjust the plan anytime."
— Harold, owner of Cellutalk

You've heard that good things can come in small packages. It's true also that good things can happen to small businesses in small towns, such as what happened to Cellutalk, an independently owned multi-carrier smartphone store in Kenner, Louisiana.

In the heart of this quaint Louisiana town, Cellutalk stood as a beacon of hope for residents seeking quality smartphones and reliable service. The store, owned by a dedicated entrepreneur, is a testament to the resilience and ambition of small-town businesses.

Cellutalk knew that their customers deserved better than the high costs and deceptive practices of big third-party finance companies. It pained him to witness hardworking locals struggling to afford the smartphones they needed for everyday life.

With determination in his heart and a strong sense of community, Harold set out on a mission to change the narrative. He discovered a solution in the form of the RTO Mobile platform, which allowed him to create customized in-house payment plans for his customers.

This innovative approach not only saved Cellutalk's customers hundreds of dollars compared to the third-party finance companies but also catapulted Harold's store to unprecedented heights. It was a perfect example of how good things can happen to small businesses in small towns.

As word spread about Cellutalk's affordable payment plans and commitment to the community, more and more residents flocked to the store. They found not only the latest smartphones but also a trusted partner who genuinely cared about their financial well-being.

Cellutalk became synonymous with fairness, reliability, and affordability in Kenner. It demonstrated that, indeed, good things can come in small packages, and they can also happen to small businesses in small towns. Harold's unwavering dedication to his community, combined with the innovative RTO Mobile platform, transformed his small smartphone store into a thriving hub of opportunity for everyone in Kenner, Louisiana.

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